Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Simple On Page SEO Checklist for 2013

On Page SEO Checklist for 2013

  1. Check how many pages Index in Google
  2. Check canonical issue
  3. Duplicate Content Issue
  4. Not Proper Targeted Pages on the site
  5. Metadata Issue
  6. Pagination Issue
  7. Check 404 pages send proper 404 code status. If not send proper 404 status may be occur soft 404 error and it's harmful for site.
  8. Check Capitalization/Lower Case URLs issue
  9. Check Category/Site Structure
  10. Check Breadcrumb Structure
  11. Check - Dynamic Metadata available or not
  12. Check website speed at https://developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed/insights
  13. Check h1- h6
  14. Check internal linking
  15. Check number of mirror site
---------------- Check In Google Webmaster-------------------------------
  1. Duplicate Title (Listed at Google Webmaster)
  2. Duplicate Description (Listed at Google Webmaster)
  3. Check Number of 404 URLs (Please check - Is it still index in Google SERP?)
  4. Check Number of soft 404 URLs
---------------- Check In Screaming Frog-----------------------------------
  1. Check all urls response code
  2. Title Length (> 70 Character)
  3. Description Length (> 165 Character)
  4. Missing ALT Tag
----------------Check in sitemap---------------------------------
  1. Check Broken URLs (404 Pages)
  2. Capitalize urls
  3. Check your HTML, XML and Image Sitemap
----------------Check in robots.txt---------------------------------
  1. Correctly formatted
  2. Includes link to XML sitemap

Monday, May 20, 2013

How to Start YouTube Advertising in 9 Steps

Online video is huge – 100 hours of video is uploaded to YouTube every minute! Andvideo viewing doesn't seem to be slowing down any time soon.
If you're ready to advertise on YouTube for the first time – with one of those ads that pop up before you watch your video – then this basics guide is for you.
Although there is a lot more intricate information that goes into getting the best ROI from YouTube ads, this nine-step guide is simply a beginner's guide on how to start building your YouTube presence.

1. Create a Google AdWords Account

Your first stop is Google AdWords. If you already have an AdWords account, then go toadwords.google.com/video to create a new video ad campaign.

2. Link AdWords and YouTube

Make sure that your AdWords and YouTube accounts are linked together. You can complete this step from the navigation menu by clicking “Linked YouTube accounts”.

3. General Settings

When choosing the general settings for your ad, set your desired budget per day. It's better to start small and scale up as you get more familiar with the account and what good objectives are.
The typical spend is around $.01 - $0.23. You won't pay Google unless the viewer watches your ads all the way through. There is also more customization that can be allotted for bidding for the advanced advertisers.

4. Set the Locations Where You Want Your Ad to Show Up

You can choose countries, regions, cities, ZIP codes, IP addresses, etc, going as broad or as specific as you would like. The more specific, the better qualified your viewers will be. If you're just trying to build brand awareness, then going a little more broad might be helpful.

5. Upload Your Video

Next you will select the video that you want to showcase and upload it to your account from YouTube. For more advice on how to format your video for the best success on search engines before you upload it, see "12 Valuable Tips for Video SEO Beginners".

6. Advanced Settings

In the “advanced settings” section, you can choose what days/time of the day you want your ads to show (if there is a specific time you want to showcase your ads because a prospect is more likely to be compelled by your product), and the start and end date for your new ads.
I would suggest to shut off your ads from 12 a.m. to 6 a.m., and schedule your ads to run more during your prospects’ lunch and play hours when they are more likely to be on YouTube.

7. Device Targeting

Getting more in depth with “device targeting”, you can choose specific devices you want to target, whether it be mobile, desktop, laptop, tablets, etc.  Get on the devices that you would be using to search for your product.
Are your consumers on their mobile phones? Are you advertising for a mobile app? Then go mobile.

8. Select Age, Gender, Topics & More

Here you can select age, gender, and get specific on what topics you want to show up for. The more specific you are, the better results you will get.
The more you go in depth into what categories, interests, words, websites, and phrases you want to show up for, the better targeted your audience will get. So be as specific as possible!

9. Choosing Keywords

When looking for specific keywords to target that your potential consumers will be searching for on YouTube, use the Google Keyword Tool to find relevant terms and get as specific as possible. These terms come from Google's search engine, not from YouTube, but they will still be useful in weeding out some of the keywords that could cause your ad to be viewed by the wrong person.
The longer the keyword, the more specific it is, and the more pertinent it will be to your business in capturing the right viewers.

10 Essential WordPress Plugins to Improve SEO & Usability

After you've installed WordPress and covered the basics of improving WordPress for SEO and the user experience, it's time to go a bit deeper. Many great plugins are available to help your WordPress site when it comes to SEO, usability, and conversion. Here are 10 great plugins – most of which are available for free.

1. WordPress SEO by Yoast

Download this plugin now and use it on every WordPress site you own. This plugin, in my opinion, is as important as the WordPress installation itself. It's also extremely easy to use.
Also, if you haven't already, make sure to use Yoast's Google Analytics plugin.

2. Simple URLs

This plugin is great. You can track outbound links and control them completely right within the WordPress backend. If you add Disallow: /go/ into your robots.txt file it will also stop any authority from passing through the link itself.
You can use this plugin to keep track of these outbound links. For example, if you have affiliate links on your site, you can calculate a conversion rate from knowing the number of clicks to the number of people who purchase something via the affiliate link.

3. RB Internal Links

Although this plugin hasn't been updated in more than two years, it still should be included in every WordPress installation. This plugin helps with internal linking.
RB Internal Links is great because it uses the post ID to link internally rather than the URL itself. This means that if you want to change the URL of a page or post, then the URL will be updated dynamically.
This cuts the risk of internal 404 pages that can harm SEO for internal pages, as well as ensuring that no visitor reaches a page that does not exist.

4. NextGen Gallery and Lightbox Plus:

These two plugins have been combined into one entry because they work hand-in-hand. Lightbox Plus uses Colorbox – a lightweight jQuery image gallery script that is the friendliest for performance and doesn't hinder on-page SEO. Although Lightbox is included as an option within NextGen itself, Lightbox Plus offers a lot more options for the appearance and behavior of Lightbox's execution.
NextGen as a plugin is all you need when it comes to image gallery management. You can define lots of things such as the image's title and alt tags, which solves any SEO image problems.
Its flexibility into WordPress themes is great too, as you can add templates to use with the shortcode NextGen offers (more information on using NextGen templates can be found here). So, for example, I may use my own image gallery viewer and want it to output a certain way so I create my own NextGen gallery template called gallery-alexmoss.php and upload it into a subfolder of my theme called nggallery.
Below is a template I have developed to work with Twitter's Bootstrap image carousel:
<?php if (!defined ('ABSPATH')) die ('No direct access allowed'); ?><?php if (!empty ($gallery)) : ?>
        <div id="<?php echo $gallery->anchor ?>" class="carousel slide">
<ol class="carousel-indicators">
<?php $activenum="0"; foreach ( $images as $image ) : ?>
<li data-target="#<?php echo $gallery->anchor ?>" data-slide-to="<?php echo $activenum; ?>"<?php if ($activenum=="0") {echo ' class="active"'; } $activenum++; ?></li>
  <?php endforeach; ?>

            <div class="carousel-inner">
<?php $activenum="1"; foreach ( $images as $image ) : ?>
            <div id="ngg-image-<?php echo $image->pid ?>" class="item<?php if ($activenum=="1") {echo " active"; } $activenum++; ?>" <?php echo $image->style ?>>
<img title="<?php echo $image->alttext; ?>" alt="<?php echo $image->alttext; ?>" src="<?php echo $image->imageURL; ?>"  />
<div class="carousel-caption"><h4><?php echo $image->alttext; ?></h4><p><?php echo $image->description; ?></p></div>
  <?php endforeach; ?>
            <a class="left carousel-control" href="#<?php echo $gallery->anchor ?>" data-slide="prev">&lsaquo;</a>
            <a class="right carousel-control" href="#<?php echo $gallery->anchor ?>" data-slide="next">&rsaquo;</a>
<?php endif; ?>

5. Widget Logic

This plugin works specifically with your widgets. When installed, an extra option is added into each widget where you can define exactly where that widget should/shouldn't appear. This is great when you want to control what content appears in which sections of the site.
Here are a few examples of widget logic you can use:
  • is_category(X) || (is_single() && in_category(X)) - if viewing Category X or a post within Category X.
  • is_archive() - if viewing any archive page.
  • is_page() - if viewing a page.
  • !is_page() - if viewing anything other than a page. Note that the use of ! turns the condition into if is not.
When you use this plugin ensure that you are confident with using some PHP code as incorrect use can lead to potential problems.

6. Members

You may find that the default user roles provided by WordPress aren't enough for you to control the access that you want. This plugin adds flexibility to edit existing user roles as well as adding additional user roles. The plugin also comes with easy to use widgets and shortcodes so you can limit content based on the user's role.

7. Use Google Libraries

This very simple plugin that substitutes JavaScript libraries called locally on your own server with Google's own CDN. This saves on bandwidth, keeps using compressed versions of the scripts, and increases the chance that a user already has these files cached and therefore increases the general performance of your site.

8. W3 Total Cache

While we're on the subject of performance, W3 Total Cache is the most powerful and comprehensive caching plugin available. This plugin handles everything from combine and minification for both CSS and JS to HTML linebreak and comment removal, disk caching, browser caching and more.
It's useful to test any settings out to ensure that there are no issues once enabled and deployed but most of the time W3 plays ball with your WordPress installation.

9. Gravity Forms

This is the best plugin available. Although paid (from $39), this plugin is a must have on any WordPress installation and pays for itself.
This plugin handles all kind of form generation and management from basic contact forms to complete content management. There is so much you can do within Gravity Forms that I can't cover it in this post alone. Some examples of how you can use Gravity Forms:
  • Basic contact forms: Also includes seamless integration with CAPTCHA
  • Contact forms with email routing: This is great for larger companies. Based on options filled out in the form, email is routed to a different address saving time sifting through a generic email address
  • MailChimp integration: You can use any form's email input and send that information to MailChimp directly through an add-on available (only for people who purchased the developer license) using MailChimp's API.
  • Creating content: Forms can actually generate posts or pages within your site. You can create a form that populates all the data needed to publish a new post or page, including the title, excerpt, body, featured image and more.
Another great thing about Gravity forms is that all entries are stored and viewable within the backend of the site meaning that some forms don't even need to have email notifications upon submission. Not enough for you? You can also export all entries as a CSV file, as well as being able to import and export all forms for you to backup or transfer to other sites.

10. Twitter Feed Pro:

This is my own plugin. This paid plugin ($19.99) outputs a Twitter feed based on a number of settings using the shortcode. You can output your latest tweets or someone else's (or a combination), view replies and public mentions, view favorites of any username or search for any term or hashtag. There are also many options for customizing the look and feel of how the tweets are output.
There are two reasons I mention this plugin.
First is that tweets use HTML to output tweets rather than using jQuery (as this is the only other way to do so via Twitter's official embedded timeline widget).
Additionally, this plugin is fully compatible with Twitter API v1.1. Some other plugins or Twitter Feed options within WordPress themes use v1.0 of the API which will retire on June 11. If you want to know more about this issue, I have written about Twitter API v1.1 and its implication.


It has taken me a long time to find the best plugins to perform all kinds of different tasks and tweaks with WordPress. Finding trustworthy authors and plugins that are not abusive is extremely important so I like it when I find confidence in a plugin to use on my own sites, and more importantly, sites for my clients.

View Resourcehttp://searchenginewatch.com/article/2268750/10-Essential-WordPress-Plugins-to-Improve-SEO-Usability

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Old Vs New SEO Straterge

You can see here different between old seo work method and latest seo techinque after panda and penguin update. I hope this image better understand different between old vs seo straterge

Old Vs New SEO straterge