Thursday, October 28, 2010

SEO Optimization Tips

  1. Use important site names and page names to create “friendly” URLs.
    Think about these examples:

    Which one would be more likely to get traffic? Definitely that’s not the first one. How about the second and the third? Most of the time the second one will get more traffic, depending on the keywords. Pages with a very deep URL (sites1/sites2/sites3/sites4/page1.html) is unlikely to get a better ranking.  In SharePoint 2010, you need to carefully plan your site infrastructure and page names so it can be more meaningful to the crawlers and the users.
  2. Use Best Page Titles
    Do give the pages better title, it’s one of the important factor for search, from the query algorithm to user experience.  For example, “Untitled” “New-Page-1” does not make sense. Even if it can be shown in the result, very few people will likely to click on it. Good page title would be something like the site intro page title for example: “SharePoint is Awesome – Trainings, Demos, Hands on Labs” or a sub site page title: “SharePoint is Awesome – Search Engines Optimization Explained”.
  3. Use Accurate Meta tags
    Search Engines uses meta elements like <description> , <language> and <robots> to crawl the pages. <keywords> is no longer used. Within the three, <description> has more influence on the ranking.  You can customize these meta elements with SharePoint Designer.
  4. Use Up-to-date Sitemap.xml and Robots.txt, and even a HTML sitemap page that provides all the links.
    Sitemaps can be submitted to search engines, and they can also be picked up with the reference from Robots.txt.  For SharePoint 2010, you can use my script here:  Generate SharePoint 2010 Sitemap with Windows PowerShell to create the sitemap file. And then use Task Scheduler to run it everyday. Robots.txt can be used to point search engines to the sitemap files, and prevent some of the folders from being crawled.
  5. Use Search Engine Friendly Redirects
    Some search engines, prefer 301 (Permanent) redirects to 302 (Temporary) redirects. Out of the box SharePoint uses 302 redirects to maintain flexibility of site creations and variations.  But you can override this behavior by different methods. For example this and this are achieved by using URL Rewrite Module in IIS SEO Kit.
  6. Use Search Engine Friendly Menus and Navigations
    Use Text! Avoid from using Flash/Silverlight/Javascripts for navigation menus because they are hard to be picked up by the crawlers. If you have to use technologies for menus , provide an alternative if possible. Don’t forget accessibility is also very important, although not quite related with SEO.
  7. Use Faster Page Response Time.
    Recently Google put site speed into their ranking calculation algorithms. This is not a very important factor, but worth considering. Something can be put into consideration are caching, load balancing, network infrastructure optimization. In SharePoint 2010, Developer Dashboard is a great feature to help to analyze page loading time – for example webpart loading time.  In this way you will know if some webparts should fixed or removed.
  8. Use Better anchor text <a> for links, alt text for images.
    Anchor text can give search engines better understanding for the pages pointed to. You can take it as “another title” for the target pages. Alt text for images are also good to have.
  9. Use Always provides text based content for rich media.
    Think about a video file, a Flash/Silverlight application or a podcast on your website, how can it be indexed and showed in search result? Title and tags are important. But more importantly, you can improve the result by providing transcript to the video/audio, or text alternatives to your Flash/Silverlight applications. Certain features in Silverlight can also help. For more information on Silverlight SEO, please check
  10. Use Webmaster Tools to submit sitemap, check results.
    Search Engines provide webmaster tools to help people to submit and optimize their sites.

SEO Questions

What is an SEO, SEM and how important are they for an organization? Explain briefly.
SEO stands for search engine optimisation (or optimization if you're from the States). In its simplest form SEO is the process of tailoring a website (text, titles, meta tags, alt tags, etc) so that the search engines will assign a good rank to the site for specific search terms.
But with the advent of search engines introducing fees for guaranteed inclusion in their indices, directories charging for reviews and the emergence of PPC listings, SEO now has an element of media buying mixed in. Thus, thanks to Danny Sullivan, it has now been called search engine marketing or SEM (you can still call it SEO if you want).
What do you mean by SEO?
It is a process of choosing targeted keywords and keyword phrases related to a web site so the site will rank high. And it is also marketing technique of preparing a website to enhance its chances of being ranked in the top results of a search engine once a relevant search is undertaken.
What is link Building
Link Building is the process of creating inbound links to ones own website. This can be done by reciprocal links, being listed in e-zines, newsletters, directories, search engines, etc. Link building is one of the best ways to make your site popular. There are few types of linking one of which is reciprocal links.
There are many advantages of link building.
1. Link building helps in getting quality traffic from relevant sites which increases sales.
2. Also when there will be high quality incoming links the site will also be seen as a valuable resource.
3. Link building helps in creating awarness, visibility and credibility of your site.
4. The site also obtains wider search engine exposure.
5. It also helps the website get indexed by search engines
What is Links?
In the anchortext -this is the text used to link to another URL (page or website), we use as much as possible the keywords of the page we are referring to. If possible, simply use the title of that page. Make sure that the page you are referring to contains the words that you're using in the anchor text.
Make your links meaningfull !
If you're linking from an image, then you should absolutely use the ALT tag. It always very wise to have an additional link in readable text.
Broken links should be avoided and only link to an external website if that one contains additional content or when it is usefull for your visitors.
What is TITLE tag?
The title tag is very important for a top search engine position so it deserves special attention for SEO optimization.
This tag is part of the head section of a page and will typically appear like this :
<title>your title</title>
<meta name="Description" content="your description">
Use your keyword, without repeating it over and over again, in the title tag on the indexpage and also on all other pages of your website.
Every page should have its own title that says exactly what the page is about. There is no need to include a company name. Should you include that name anyway -maybe because you like your name-, then put it at the very end of the title.
Write no more than 60 characters for this is the maximum number of characters that will be shown by Google in the returned search engine results.
The title tag must be meaningfull because it will feature in almost all search engine results. Even when you can be found at a top search engine position, your title must still be inviting to click on it and enter your Web page.
What is Meta description?
This one is also part of the head section of a page and will look like this :
<title>your title</title>
<meta name="Description" content="your description">
When looking at the source of a page, nobody will see the contents of the Meta description tag.
Still, this one deserves special attention because the description will often appear underneath the title in the search engine results.
Together with the title, it must attract visitors to click through towards your website.
Be brief, thourough and correct, and use your keyword in the description.
Concerning your homepage, a well written title and description can be used for the directory and search engine submission of a Web site.
What is Headers and subtitles <H1>,<H2>...?
The H1 and H2 tags are meant to be used as the header of the page or paragraphs. Use them for this !
The H1 tag should be the first header within the body section of your page.
Include your keyword in this tag too. The H1 tag should tell short and briefly, just like the page title, what your page is about. The contents of the title meta tag can be repeated here.
Personally, i seldom use the H2 en H3 tag and i'm in favour of other textual aspects to highlight subtitles, especially the <B> and the <FONT> tag.
Should you use the H2 tag however, then use it the right way :
• a H2 tag should follow a H1 tag.
• The tags have a larger font size to highlight the text they include. Avoid spam and keep this larger font !
What are Eye catching text effects?
By using tags such as
• <B> : bold
• <I> : Italic
• <FONT> : - especially <FONT SIZE="+n"> where n is a integer
we can point our visitors to important parts of text, and yes, search engine robots will notice this too !
Don't exagerate ! When using a bold font on almost every part of text on your page, then this will loose its eye catching effect.
Don't use these tags just to highlight your keywords. Optimize your page for your visitors. If you highlight your keyword because it might be interesting for your visitors, then this is certainly a good thing. However, doing so only for the search engines is not a good idea.
What are ALT tags?
Alt tags appear with images. This will look like this :
<img src="imagename.jpg" alt="description of the image">
The description as it appears in the ALT tag, is only visible when someone holds his mousepointer upon the image, and also when the visitor uses an images disabled browser.
So, the ALT tags are used by both a visitors and a search engine. The contents of an image can never be seen by a search engine, so we should provide alternative content.
Don't try to be deceptive when writing the content of the ALT tag and be precise. When you make your web page look more attractive by adding an image or a photo, then try to include a perfect image with an additional value to your page content. Doing so will most likely give you the opportunity to include your keyword within the description.
Should you use the image to put a link to another page, then you should use the ALT tag as if it were the anchor text of a text link.
Above you could already see how anchortext can help you to achieve a top search engine position.
What is RSS
RSS is a syndication methodology on the Internet.
1 RSS Stands for Really Simple Syndication.
2 RSS is used for the specific purpose or conveying information that a website or blog has been updated.
3 RSS is a standard for publishing regular updates to web-based content.
4 And for the technical, RSS is a Syndication Standard based on a type of XML file that resides on an internet server.
How Benefit of Creation of a sitemap?
We make sure that every page is maximum 2 clicks away of the entry page.
If you have deep content pages, categories, products, sub products, then a sitemap should be provided.
A sitemap is usefull for both search engines and visitors.
The number of links on a page must be limited to 100 !
What is PPC?
Ans:- Pay per click (PPC) is an Internet advertising model used on search engines, advertising networks, and content websites, such as blogs, where advertisers only pay when a user actually clicks on an advertisement to visit the advertisers' website.
What is meta tag?
Ans:- An HTML tag that identifies the contents of a Web page for the search engines. Meta tags are hidden on the page, but they, as well as all the HTML code on a page, can be viewed by selecting View/Source or View/Page Source from the browser menu. Meta tags contain a general description of the page, keywords and copyright information.
What is FTP?
Ans:- A communications protocol governing the transfer of files from one computer to another over a network.
What do you mean by Keyword density?
The ratio of the number of occurrences of a particular keyword or phrase to the total number of words in a page.
What is Keyword prominence?
How prominently keywords appear in the text of a web page. Title tags, headers, the beginning of paragraphs and hyperlinks, are just some of the places keywords should appear prominently.
What is the importance of tags?
There are six levels of headings in HTML. H1 tag is one of them and search engine spider only recognizing H1 tag.
What do you mean by page rank (PR)?
Page Rank is Goggle’s ranking software that calculates the relevance of a webpage to the search keywords entered. Google measures ranking on a scale of 0 to10.
What is a spider?
A component of a search engine that roams the Web, storing the URLs and indexing the keywords and text of each page encountered. Also referred to as a robot or crawler.
What do you mean by URL?
An acronym for "Uniform Resource Locator," this is the address of a resource on the Internet.
What is SERP’s?
It is search engine result page retrieved by search engine based on specific keyword.
What is a Mirror site?
A Web site that is a replica of an already existing site, used to reduce network traffic (hits on a server) or improve the availability of the original site. Mirror sites are useful when the original site generates too much traffic for a single server to support. Mirror sites also increase the speed with which files or Web sites can be accessed: users can download files more quickly from a server that is geographically closer to them.
What is the difference between Black hat Optimization and White hat Optimization?
The difference between black hat optimization and white hat optimization is one using unfair technique and the other one using fair technique. Black hat optimization use unethical and illegal technique and white hat optimization use fair technique to get higher search engine ranking.
What do you mean by Scooter?
AltaVista search engine’s spider.
What is Sidewinder?
The name of the Infoseek search engine’s spider.
What do you mean by Skewing?
A technique used by search engines. It refers to the practice of artificially altering the search results to certain documents will score well on certain queries.
What do you mean by Spamming?
1. Sending of unsolicited bulk electronic mail
2. Hidden text.
3. Stuffing pages, graphic images, etc. with irrelevant words.
4. Doorway pages, multiple domains or sub domains with essentially the same content.
5. Cloaking.
6. Linking to bad neighborhoods.
What is SSI?
A type of HTML command that allows webmasters to insert code from an outside HTML document. It is especially used with things like menus, headers and footers that are the same for all pages.
What is Stemming?
The use of linguistic analysis to get to the root form of a word. It reduce a search query to its stem or root form, such as past tense and plural and singular usage are taken into account when performing a search learn, it will bring learn, learning, learned etc.
What is a Stop Word?
Search engines and directories ignore certain "stop words" like single letter, two-letter and three-letter words (a, the, of, and, but). These common words do not contribute to relevancy and are not recognized in a query.
What is a Unique Visitor?
A real visitor to a Website. Web servers record the IP addresses of each visitor, and this is used to determine the number of real people who have visited a Web site. If someone visits twenty pages within your site, the server will count only one unique visitor and twenty page accesses.
What is a Virtual Server?
When a domain is hosted on a virtual server, it means that it shares that server with other domains.
What do you mean by Proximity Searching?
A feature that allows searchers to search for words that are near each other in a document.
What is CTR?
CTR stands for click thru rate, which is a percentage representing how often an ad is clicked relative to how many times it has been displayed.
The formula for click thru rate is:
    CTR = # of clicks / # of exposures
  For a given campaign over a given period an ad was displayed 1000 times and got 50 clicks.
CTR = 50 / 1000
    CTR = 0.05
    CTR = 5%

What is CPM?
CPM is a measurement of the cost of advertising impressions measured in units of a thousand.
CPM stands for cost per M, where M is the roman numeral for 1,000.

What is CPC?
CPC is cost per click, which can describe an average cost per click, or a specific cost per click.
The formula for cost per click is:
    CPC = cost / clicks
  For a given campaign over a given period an ad was clicked 50 times. The campaign cost $20.

    CPC = $20 / 50
    CPC = $0.40

What is ROI?
The SEO ROI Calculator measures the Return on Investment of organic web traffic generated from an SEO campaign.

What is RPC?
Revenue per click is defined as the ratio of the search revenue to the number of clicks.

Here some useful link of seo interview Questions

Monday, October 25, 2010


Directory submissions

The most popular and important web directories are DMOZ and Yahoo! nothing like Google, that is a search engine, directories organize links under various categories and sub-categories. Appropriate to all the hype that search engines get most web masters fail to recognize the significance of submitting their links to Internet directories. Although very few people these days prefer to sift through the directory categories to find the links they want, search engines use these web directories as potent referral systems and there is a reason behind it.

An additional advantage of getting your link included in web directories is that your link is indexed by the search engines quickly. The search engine crawlers crawl the Internet to find information on the recently updated or created links, and they start the crawling with the web directories and first crawl all those links present in the directory. in addition, whenever new search engines are launched, they automatically go through the Internet directories to quickly index the already-validated links. This saves you tons of time in submitting your links to various search engines.

Directory submissions one-way links

Search engines give importance to the number of inbound links to your site and from web directories you get one-way inbound links. Web directories, while including your links, don’t expect you to put their link on your website. Search engines discourage link-exchange tactics but they consider one-way inbound links with high regard.

Directory submissions anchor text  

When you submit your links to web directories they allow you to enter a site that can contain your keywords. This generates SEO anchor text for you and this helps you improve your search engine rankings.

Directory submissions are generally free

Yes, you don’t have to pay for most of the web directory submissions. There are some highly professional web directories that charge a high premium for adding your links but their number is miniscule compared to free directories.

Directory submissions send you targeted traffic

The organizations of web directories make people find the right links under the right categories. Even if you, inadvertently of course, submit your link under a wrong category, there is a great possibility that the human editor will place your link under the correct category.

Social bookmarking

Social bookmarking is one of the greatest acting SEO options currently accessible. We submit your website to social bookmarking sites such as digg, delicious, etc., helping you increase the word about your content. You'll normally get some traffic right off the bat from people interested in your site (and a lot extra if your site becomes popular on social networks). Within a week, most of these links will already start to have some effect on your rankings and within a month, very clear results can be seen from our social bookmarking service.
Article Submission

Between each of  the SEO techniques, article submission can be one of the most successful. Article submission generally refers to the writing of articles that are related to your online business and then getting them added to the popular article submission directories.

The main purpose at the back article submission is to attract a large number of visitors  to your website without incur a great cost. Obviously, it is important to make sure that the articles you mean to submit are directly related or relevant to your business.

There are various profit of article submission including advertising, marketing and publicity of your business on the WWW.

Benefits of a press release :
  1. Article submissions can develop and improve the ranking of your online business in search engines by increasing the quantity of backlinks and PR.
  2. an additional benefit that article submission offers is that of establishing the particular website owner as an expert in their industry. By providing valuable detail and information within articles, it builds the trust of potential customers thereby giving them a reason to visit your website.
 Below are a few simple tips on writing an effective article submission:

During the process of article submission do not forget to consider below 5 key points. Following these points will meet the purpose of both i.e. your target audience and search engines.
  • Articles should be original and information rich.
  • Articles should be keyword rich but not excessive to the point of keyword stuffing.
  • The average length of articles should be between 500 and 700.
  • Give a unique title to your article with main keyword into it so as to make it easy for web crawlers to identify and classify the topic of your article.
  • Giving subheadings, bullets and numberings to articles make it presentable and easy to read for potential customers.
Press Release submission

When should press release be used? Since a press release is a platform for you to connect with the people and media, you can use it when you have interesting announcements or offers to make or when you are launching something new in the market. For instance, you can use this medium when you are introducing a new product or service or when you are sponsoring some event.

Benefits of a press release
A press release offers you an opportunity of free publicity. If the editors of the sites to which you have submitted your press release consider it as attractive and newsworthy, they will publish it which means free publicity for your website. Press releases also help in increasing your search engine ranking because the more the number of links pointing to your website, the higher will be your ranking.A press release also creates an awareness of your presence in the minds of people.
Below are a few simple tips on writing an effective press release:
It should be newsworthy and interesting so that it can be of value to readers.

The press release should also be short so that it conveys your message in brief making it easier for a person to read. You should also avoid too much jargon and flowery language. It would be best to keep the language of your press release simple and plain.

Your press release must contain facts to gain credibility. You should avoid exaggeration as it will not help.

Finally, avoid addressing your target audience with direct terms like “you”, “I” etc, as it would appear more as an advertisement instead of a press release.
Classified Submission

Classifieds submission? Search Engine Promotion forum discuss tips and strategy to promote your web site with the search engines. Choose paid inclusion against. organic listings, the best search engines for high conversion

Classified advertising or classifieds ads is a means of advertising done online in newspapers websites and other online periodicals. Online newspaper ads or classified ad can be normally as free classified ads. The free classified ad sites allow the classified ad submitter to post classified ads or place classified ads. Classified free ads generally differs from standard advertising models where in that it allows private individuals, corporate entities and companies to endorse virtually any products and services. Classified ad sites give an opportunity to post free classified ads generally known as newspaper classified ads. There are small classifieds websites or classified sites with online classified advertising where an ad submitter gets opportunity to do local classified ads posting through free ad post classified.

Why classified Ads.

In Today world is updating itself day by day and people are looking for simple, safe and quick ways to access information with accuracy. for the reason that the Internet is the only quickest means to access the correct information they are turning themselves to the Internet to get help for their needs happy. Classified online ads advance effective means of exchanging information and expressing ideas, by offering subscribers the opportunity to access the ads posted by others and to post free classified ad on free classified sites web page. The information provided by online classifieds are well structured and accurate. All kinds of important information are easily accessible on classified ad sites. The option of posting free classified ad on the free classified ad sites is very common which is not possible in other standard means of advertising. Placing classified ads and classified submission is possible by classified ad software available on the site. There are free options available on the internet which can be found out with the terms flashing on the sites as ads to invite the submitter to place free classified ads or place classified ads.


A Website which invites one for release discussion on a particular focus or topic is called Forum. People are always ready to help and answer any questions that you may have in forums. When starting anything you need to make a hard effort and believe it will work, most people will not succeed because they are not patient and do not give it sufficient time do well, take it one day at a time and relax the people will come. People are also feeling that they have an identity, and putting it on the Web is a great way of expressing themselves.

Forums Posting can Help grow your business
In SEO forum important? Reason the Seo forums are main because it has an excellent way of receiving comments of Search Engine Optimization experts, who hold extensive knowledge and experience in Search Engine Optimization. These experts provide their comments on various Search engine Optimization related topics which provides better knowledge to the readers through their experience. in addition through forum the readers can also take part in discussion where they can throw their views and Ideas as well. This is also a useful method of promoting and marketing a business. This may help increased viewers and popularity of Website. SEO forums hold tremendous potential to help one website and prove to be a great tool for increasing back links to the site. These forums are very beneficial to business in a way it can expose its business to larger section of people, and also helps in receiving the business.

Forums are the Best ways to increase sales, reliability of your customers, also helps to bring in huge income to your business.

In today’s period forum are so very much popular that if you search anything on search engines such as Google and Yahoo, on top results you will find Forums link.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Keyword Analysis:

The purpose of this tool is to assist webmasters and SEO consultants in performing keyword analysis. This activity, also known as keyword research, is an important step in the search engine optimization process. Specifically, this tool will, when given a URL, display the most frequently used keywords and keyphrases present in the document in question. This tool can help you improve search engine placement by identifying niche keywords and keyphrases that apply to your content. These keywords and phrases can then be used as search terms in a pay-per-click (PPC) search engine advertising campaign. For more information on this subject, you can read more info...

Competitive Analysis:

Have you ever wondered how a particular competitor always does so much better than you do in the search engines or online overall? A competitor analysis is one very effective method of deconstructing their online marketing strategy to discover how they are doing so well. more info...

Keyword density:

Keyword density is important because search engines use this information to categorize a site's theme, and to determine which terms the site is relevant to. The perfect keyword density will help achieve higher search engine positions. Keyword density needs to be balanced correctly (too low and you will not get the optimum benefit, too high and your page might get flagged for “keyword spamming”). more info...

Why validation ?

This document attempts to answer the questions many people have regarding why they should bother with Validating their web sites and tries to dispel a few common myths. more info...


When a search engine crawler comes to your site, it will look for a special file on your site. That file is called robots.txt and it tells the search engine spider, which Web pages of your site should be indexed and which Web pages should be ignored. more info...

SEO Copywriting

SEO Copywriting, or to give it its full name, search engine optimization copywriting or search engine copywriting, is the technique of writing the viewable text on a web page in such a way that it reads well for the surfer, and also targets specific search terms. Its purpose is to rank highly in the search engines for the targeted search terms.

As well as the viewable text, SEO Copywriting usually optimizes other on-page elements for the targeted search terms. These include the Title, Description and Keywords tags, headings and alt text. more info...